A Sweet Gesture :)

A small hut with a family having 2 kids, Bhavani(4yrs old) and Sanjay(2yrs old) stay close by to my house. I happened to cross their house every day to and fro office. I see those kids daily playing on the streets happily and wavering “Hi” and “Bye” to me. So much of innocence and playfulness, makes me happy to witness that daily.

Today, I packed my lunch box with an extra box of morning breakfast. I start my vehicle and reach near Bhavani’s house to see those kids standing on the road. I asked the little girl to get a plate to offer my breakfast. She was so happy and rushed to me to get her plate filled. With in no time both brother and sister started sharing from the same plate sitting on the floor in front of their Gate.

I stood for a while and said bye to them starting my vehicle. Bhavani turned her face and asked me “Do you have lunch box for yourself..?? !!!”….. I was moved and felt so happy by her gesture..Imagine, a little 4 year old getting a thought to find out if I have one for myself was unimaginable. Filled with a moment of joy, fulfilment and being loved by that little one..:) On the way back, I could get a sense of as Human Beings we are all connected to each other in a way or different. However, the experience and the expressions of that varies…!!!

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