Daddy My World

I am traveling back from my home in a bus as I am jotted down these lines. Today is Father’s day… got up eagerly to go and meet him, surprise him with a gift. Other side mind was thinking about “Will he accept it, do I deserve his love back..(I don’t know..!!??)”. Kept aside all that came in the way and boarded bus from Bangalore to home town.
As I was nearing my place, a sense of happiness and excitement to see my Daddy. I am sitting in the bus creating the future of entering my home; tears rolling down as I meet my parents. Jumping to see happiness in mom’s face. Experiencing hugging my dad and asking him please forgive me for all the troubles I caused in your life.
Woke up to the sudden break at a jump to realize I am one hop behind my native.
Next 10mins, I arrived at the bus stop, hurried to catch an auto to reach my home.
As I reached home, I was disappointed to see the main gate locked. Ringed up mom, who anticipated I would be at home… she and dad had just left to Tumkur to visit the Mutt where dad studied. I sat down feeling helpless. Cheered up my mom not to feel sad, as it was my mistake for not informing her in prior about my visit.
Took a stroll around my house, recollecting old memories. I thought to keep my gift inside the house so that Dad can take it once they arrive. Found the window of my mom’s room being open. Placed the gift carefully inside on the bed near to window. Wrote a letter thanking my Dad.
I was in a dilemma to catch the next bus to tumkur to meet them or to travel back to Bangalore. By then mom called me again, feeling sad for not being at home when I went. Gave up my sadness and asked her to fully be their to serve the purpose, promised her to come back soon to meet them.
This day and this experience would have been lost in the memories. Thought to treasure it as I was really missing Dad and feeling so honoured for having him in my life.
Life and responsibility takes over, remember Dad you are the one who taught me to be responsible, simple, to help others, to ask for what I want, to stand up in the society as an Engineer… the list goes on.
Love you for who you are for me and Puttu.

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1 Response to Daddy My World

  1. Kowshik says:

    I would simply say that, this note is straight from the heart. Very touching and sensitive. A neat write-up of all the thoughts running in your mind and vivid as well. I could visualize your short-and-sweet visit to your house and your disappointment if not seeing your dad. I hope your write-up reaches your dad soon.

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