Coorg — An Adventours retreat !! 2015

Coming from my last blog on “Kodachadri” trip in 2014… this year 2015 is most expected and awaited one!!
Our Whatsapp Group ” Trekkers Paradise” celebrated its annual day even before which the dates for the “Coorg” trip was declared.

Trip coordinator Abhi took the lead this time as well having bagged the credit for organizing it well. The josh and fantasy for the D-day was initiated with a get together at Chandini’s house 2 weeks before the trip.. having said that I have to point out the arrangements and event details is constantly poured in
as messages by Abhi. The team was rest assured that he will manage it 🙂

This year trip added a new flavour with a home made and delicious food served family Chandini and OM joining the group officially.Missing our fellow travellers Aditya, Bhavana and Revathi from the gang 😦

A week before is a shopping bonanza, buying stuffs from decathlon and popping with the photos of shopping loads from group members,,!! 🙂 Lovely it was to see Chandini, pining to say ” oh, Did I miss anything to shop” 🙂

With last minute changes and packings; the day before eatery pick up by Lakshmi and Vidya; all were geared up to join our theater adda “PU’s paradise” ( those who dont know its Prashanth and Nandini’s home)

I am thinking the daily chores goes so fast with the future called Coorg calling, untill we dumped our luggages to the car and heading towards PU’s home. To our suprise we were the first one, welcomed by Advay who was desparately waiting for Avani and Shriya.
As the clock ticked hours Jo and sindhu joined the crew, adding Abhi, Vidhya few minutes later. with some photo clicks, chit chatting, we started to play memory game as directed by PU and then sipping hot Tea from tea-chef P Udupa ;). Next day early morning 12: 15 midnight Kowshik, Lakshmi and Avani joined followed by Srikanth’s family.

Loading our luggages and couching on our seats we reached Chandini’s home to pick her and Om,along with Thyag’s family. Atlast whole team is there to head towards our most awaited “Monsoon Trip” !!

Bus reached Nagarhole gate, to see the closed gate and many vehicles waiting ahead of us.Few of us got down to take fresh air and photos. At sharp 7am, we marched towards the jungle witnessing Elephant, Deer’s all along.

As Planned, first of our iternary is to go for Rafting. We all got down the bus to pick our luggages and started heading towards barpole White water rafting point aided by a 4×4 to drop us at the start area.
We were spread across 3 groups for the rafting, while the kids Avani, Advay, Shriya and Likith stayed back with Kowshik, Ashwini and Nandini.

This is one of the best rafting experience I have ever had, our boat is seated with Gani, Vishwa, Prashanth, Jo and myself with our coach. We started our journey to South across the river flow.
It is so serene admits water and chirping sounds of birds all around. Our coach started instructing about the Rapids and the directions to follow.

Morning Coffee…. brew !! I am telling about our first Rapid, as the name says it was a cool breeze and went so fast before realizing we passed it. Meanwhile, I and Prashanth exchanged our seats to balance the boat.
Our co-crew headed by Sk and Abhi were in another boats. We were screaming the hummm’s to pedal. Next point our coach instructed us to get down the water to play. Few of us got down and for me, Jyothi, Prasi,Vishwa, Chandini, Om being the first time.
We started enjoying it throwly, Gani and Vishwa was rescuing us when we were off the balance.

Moving back to our positions, we headed towards our next Rapid. “Push on your back”.. a light wave of Rapid !! Literally we pushed and it passed so fast before we witnessed the “Wicked witch”.
Our coach instructed us to be careful towards next Rapid and as we flew farther, a big stone hurdled our boat till our coach jumped out to push it away towards the water flow.

Wicked witch was not as wicked I thought it could be… all 3 boats assembled at a point shouting Chorus told by Coach from Rishikesh..!! I must say, that coach is really creating fun and josh 🙂

We were waiting for the photographer to reach the point to shoot the photos as we are crossing the next final Rapid “Big bang”.We slided down the Big Bang enjoying every minute of it, posed for few more snaps and packing back the rafting materials to 4×4 drove back to start point.

Near Big Bang Rapid

Near Big Bang Rapid

Posing for pics after the victory

Warm camp fire and yummy biscuits, helped in that chill weather and hungry tummies :). We waited for the next batch to finish their Rafting boarding Nandini, Kowshik, Ashwini and Abhi; while kids enjoyed their time in water.



All were hungry to the core, as we haven’t had our breakfast except the snacks. “Doddamaadu” Restaurant is the one which we saw on the way to resort, where we all had our lunch.

As we were dozing off with the tiredness and heavy lunch; SK came with an idea to play
Mafia. One round of the game, we reached the Resort.

Resort guys were waiting for us at the Gate, Bajan welcomes Abhi and all of us. We picked our luggage to find the good rooms to freshen up ourselves. Finally we selected 2 bigger cottages, one for Parents with kids and another for rest of us.

Bajan and other resort guys narrated the next set of activities. They had planned a bunch of games like Jummering, zip Lining, Commando walk. We were pretty excited to experience new set of games.
All of us got ready and assembled at one point around 4:45pm, where Bajan divided us in to 2 groups “Rudra” and “Wicked Witch” captained by Kowshik and Abhi respectively.

Abhi and team went for Ziplining where as Kowshik and team went for Zommering. I was skeptical looking at the way the guide was explaining the game; would it be possible for me to complete it. Nevertheless Kowshik took the lead to start Jummering, followed by Om, Gani and Vidya.
I literally struggled to reach half the way and got down as Gani instructed. Nandini and Sindhu also took a call not to do. Meanwhile the other team completing their game started coming to watch us.
It was 7pm, when our team Rudra went for Zip lining. Kowshik, Gani, Sindhu, Om all came with a zip speed. Motivated by them, I went for my turn. Really enjoyed it for the first time in life and leaving back the disappointment of not completing previous game.

We did commando walk next, as the team continued to pack up for the day Myself and Gani came back to cottage to see OM, who had stomach pain. All sorts of medications were of no use, Chandini kept focusing on him neither missing the camp fire talk nor OM’s care.
All of us sat around the well set Camp fire, while mommies finished their food and rested for the day with kids.

Best time around the Camp Fire with chilling weather surrounding us, taste buds were savoring delicious pakoda, snacks followed by dinner. Camp talk initiated by Thyag and Ashwini sharing there moments of new adventure of Thyag starting up his own business.Sk and Prasi’s new home. Vishwa’s Arnav Goswami’s talks and Abhi’s sharing.

Finishing our delicious dinner, we all dispersed to our cottages filled with low light and cozy blankets to take rest. Chandini confirmed Om was doing fine and had fallen asleep. I only remember the time we all said good night and rested by head on pillow no later than soon I was in deep sleep..:)

Day 2

Early Morning of our day2 at Evergreen County was filled with bliss of sunlight just entering the tiny hay shelter of the hut whever we stayed. Cool breeze of air entering through the opened doors nicely touched the cheeks to wake us up followed by exchange of Good Morning wishes to each other. Happy to hear OM saying Good Morning with a cheerful smile on his face as well feeling better from his yesterday’s sickness.

As we started chit-chating sitting on our beds, others were planning for their morning chores and stroll around the coffee estate. Meanwhile Lakshmi, who was the Doctor to OM by giving him her homepathic tablets and advices; visited to check his health followed by Kowshik’s entry. Few mintues later, we were all laughing our ghuts out listening to the story of Kowshik’s adventure story last night infact it was Avani’s mischeif ;unknowing the fact Kowshik was posing proud when Prasee enquired about a tiny drop of water falling from roof top.. (hope everyone in the trip knows it know 😉 )

Each of us started getting ready bathing with a fresh hot water, away from geaser water at city life. It was the best water and most needed for the tired body. Immersing ourselves with eucalyptus, neem and other ayrvedic essence added to it..I can still experience its aroma as I am writing this.


Sipping a hot coffee and yummy breakfast with mouth watering sweet and tasty jack fruit all were ready to experience next set of adventours games organised by Bajan the county manager. We all assembled at the play area as COunty team arrived with Bajan holding a Rifle Gun.
The walls in front of us was having with colorful balloons. He picked Abhi to explain the game rules and to shoort bullets from Gun.

Both the team started playing one after another, missing the aim, shooting here and there…while the ballons tossing with the winds it was giving tough time to the shooter. Team was cheering up the shooter asking them to remember the person whom they would wish to shoot.
Game was getting fun as Vidhya and myself shot 2 bullets both pericing the ballons. We had 5 finalist end of first round. Prashanth bagged to be the winner of the game at the end.Bajan was shocked to see
the team was actually targeting better than he had thought. Myself and Vidya got the wildcard entry to shoot again and luckily we both did and won 😉

Next game was throwing water balloons at the opponent. One from each time and we get 2 ballons each. I should tell it was fun, while the game looks simply it was added a twist by putting a circle at the opponent while he/she should cross the border in the ply of escaping the ballon.we had great fun, making husband and wives as opponents to each other.. Thyag and Ashu, Vidhya and Abhi 😉 We almost finished 40 balloons and climax was Kowshik bumping on the wet floor in the verge of escaping the water balloon threw by Vishy. However Vishy got it back in return from Avani who was terribly angry at him for making her Appa fall down..ha ha..!!

Kids were all patiently waiting for us to finish the game so that they can toss the water balloons..;) We all got back to listen to another game rules..this was the do or die final virtue called Treasure Hunt. Bajan announced, this is a team work and which team qualifies will be declared as Winner.
Enthusiasm and eagerness was sparkling on everyone’s eyes to eagerly listen to game and writing down the list of things to bring back by the end of background song. The list was not huge; nevertheless it was a hidden treasures in the county itself.
Starting from lipstick, live frog’s pic, coffee Bean, Mango leaves, Pineapple plant’s photo, group selfie with a lantern and a few more. Each team members got scattered in different directions in search of things. Not seen all of us running so intentionally ever before.

Guess the Winning team,..yup,it was team Rudra captained by Kowshik and the saver was Gani picking a Mango leaves which became the life saver; with one extra thing among the list of matched collections.Perhaps, Bajan would have declared unanimous winner if that singal bunch of Mango leaves wasn’t there..:D
Post playing games, all of us were surprised by the resorts guys gesture to present the Winner’s with a Trophy. Team Rudra Won the Big Trophy followed by Thyag for Zummering, Prashanth for shooting, Myself and Vidhya again for shooting..!!

Engrossed in the games, we all missed the main purpose of our Trip, our most awaited Trek and waterfalls..!! Time running so fast, it was past 12:30pm. Abhi and the group took a call to head towards waterfalls first. Most of us were upset with the final call to drop the trek plan as it wouldn’t permit us to get back home that day night.


We packed ourselves to reach the water falls by bus. We took the team pick at the gate of Evergreen county, which got the credit to become the display pic of Trekkers Paradise group.
As we got down at Cheluvara village, Gani recalled his memory of visiting this place with his college friends..All of us started hking for about 20 minutes to reach the falls. The team had split into groups.

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Myself, Vishy, Prashanth, Kowshik and Lakshmi started walking on the narrow path supporting Jyothi to witness the falls which looked exuberant from far. Jyothi was ready to set another record having hiked in rain to reach the “Idlumane falls” in the last trip.
This time, we were bit hesitant looking at the elevation of the path, it was too steep and we were finding it difficult to get down the way. However, it was fun to look at JO being cranky and pleading us to make our minds to agree for she getting down.
It was difficult for us to say NO…but we have to..!! we walked away nearing falls asking Jo to stay back and enjoy the falls from far..

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No words to say, falls was at its best flow.. It had a huge gush of water down pouring from a height of about 20 feet. All guys were engrossed in splashing water and reaching towards the water falls base.. Gani, Vishy, Thyag, Abhi, Vidhya..!! Mommies had a small pool to make their kids comfortable and enjoy the water.
I was busy with my work of shooting all the shots. One by one Abhi, Sk, Thyag, Gani, Vidhya, Vishy climbed on the rocks to reach the mid of water falls… posing, playing hide and seek behind falls.
All of us had excellent time and to our astonishment Jo had actually made her mind to get down by herself. It was shocking and fun to look at her “I did it” kind of smile while playing with kids in water.

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We had forgotten everything around the world in that fairy water falls place, rain had to come to remind us to get back home. As tiny little drops started splashing, Parents got altered to dress up their kids to head back to bus. All of us got back our umbrellas to march towards the narrow path to hike back.

Team was tired and exhausted, you know why we had skipped our lunch and it was 4pm when we reached resort to have our food. As again, tasty food was waiting for us..veg biryani was yum..!!

With heavy mind and feeling sad to leave the resort, we were all set to pack our bags. Meanwhile, Chandini had been to meet doctor with OM who was feeling better and cheerful afterwards. All of us were thankful to county guys for taking them in their own car to meet the doc.

After heavy meal and savoring tender coconut from the resort farm, all bumped ourselves to the bus heavy heatedly missing all the fun and cherishing the memories. TP Boys took the back seat to plan the acknowledgment session, while mommies rested with their kids.

Acknowledgment started from Jyothi and Sindhu, who were feeling asleep. Each one thanking Abhi and feeling not okay with he not full being with everyone. Next Chandini, Ashu, Nandini, Prasee, Myself, Vishwa, Gani, Vidhya, Kowshik. By the time we came to Lakshmi, we had approved our native Channapatna. Lax was eager to show our houses to all.. then continuing her talk. Finally SK, Prashanth and most awaited Abhi at the end to clarify everyone’s concern. By the time the session ended, we had reached Bangalore.. so we didn’t spare anyone to take a nap in the bus making the full use of everyone’s time till the end 😀

Trip Treasured many beautiful moments, missing our fellow Trekkers part of the trip… I want to add the beautiful video created by Jyothi dedicating to us on friendship day to this write-up..;)

By the way…this is not the end..!! A next step towards the Journey begun by all of us… Kudos to Friendship..!! 🙂 🙂

Thanks for reading. Your comments and support much needed for many more blogs to come 🙂 😉


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1 Response to Coorg — An Adventours retreat !! 2015

  1. Kowshik says:

    Very well described all the events till the end of Day-1. I had forgotten few items already. good effort Rashmi. Waiting for Part-2

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